kauan aikaa sitten muistan lukeneeni jotain juttua. Voi olla että muistini pettää tuossa hyötysuhde asiassa, joka tapauksessa merkitys itselleni vähäinen. Kai se sitten kestää, kun kerran niitä valmistetaan ja myydäänkin jonkun verran. Tuossa tilaamassani tuotteessa pari arvostelua tuolla (kääntällä vedetty läpi):
"... I had to flex a lot until it was inserted, but that's normal. It's better than if it's too small. Has been doing great so far and hopefully longer than the fireclay nozzle before. According to the current state of knowledge, I would buy again."
"Hello. I really have to say that this is a very high quality product. The combustion is several times better than with the brick made of refractory concrete. I have had this stone in the oven for the 5th year now and there is no sign of wear. I can recommend the product with a very clear conscience. It's really worth it."
Edit: Vigaksen ohjekirjasta: "The boiler space consists of a combustion chamber, where fuel is dried and gasified. Then accrued gases
pass through the fireproof concrete nozzle or a cast iron nozzle into the combustion chamber, where it
burns with the help of secondary air"